Library Policies
The library board has established policies to govern the library. These policies serve as a blue print for effective library operation, underscore the library's service philosophy and ensure that customers receive consistent service. The policies are reviewed regularly to help guarantee that they remain timely. These policies are available at the library.
Library patrons are expected to be engaged in the productive use of the library’s resources. This includes reading, studying, researching, attending programs and utilizing library material. Patrons have the right to use the library undisturbed and library employees have the right to work without undue interference.
All library users and employees should be free of any threat of harm, invasion of property, or gross indignity. In an effort to protect these rights for all persons, the Library Board, pursuant to authority granted in Chapter 21.05, Section 8 of the City of Le Grand Code has approved the following rules:
No person shall engage in any conduct which disturbs or interferes with the legitimate use of the library, including, but not restricted to the following:
1. Willfully annoy, harass, or threaten another person.
2. Behave in a disorderly, loud, or boisterous manner.
3. Interfere with another person’s passage within the library or on library grounds.
4. Consume or possess alcoholic beverages, or use or possess controlled substances on library grounds or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances in a manner that causes public disturbance.
5. Possess any firearm, knife, any device which could be used as a weapon or other weapon prohibited by City Ordinance or State Statutes.
6. Deface or destroy library property.
7. Smoke in the library.
8. Sleep in the library.
9. Remain in the library after regular closing hours.
10. Solicit funds or “panhandle.”
11. Interfere with patrons' use of the library through poor bodily hygiene which is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance.
12. Bring animals into the library except as a service animal required by persons with disabilities or as part of a sanctioned library function.
13. Play audio equipment at a volume that is disturbing to other users, or engage in loud conversations that may interfere with others use of the library.
14. Campaign, petition, interview or survey patrons or staff in a manner that is disruptive to library activities.
15. Willfully expose patrons and staff to offensive images or language.
16. Interfere with the library’s right to maintain a clean, pleasant and safe facility.